
Posts Tagged ‘impeachment’


“Watergate didn’t have a body count.  Gunwalker has hundreds.” – Everlasting Phelps

Will someone please tell me why are are not talking impeachment yet? 

Oh… silly me.

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The Washington (com)Post alerts us that

SEC proposal would disclose political donations by public companies

The (com)Post’s spin is all about how this would increase transparency, but that’s not the problem.  There is already sufficient transparency.  The problem is that such rules make it easier for Obama-goons to go after companies that give money to the “wrong” places – like conservative candidates.  (See Gibson Guitar’s problems.)

The only reason that Obamantion is still in office is that the Lamestream Media is protecting him.  If a conservative had behaved the way DUDE does, impeachment and successful conviction would have followed post-haste.  (You do understand how impeachment works in the US, right?)

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Apparently the Obama-goons raid on Gibson guitars (which are entirely made in the US) may have a partisan motive.

It’s worth pointing out that Henry E. Juszkiewicz, Gibson’s Chief Executive Officer, is a donor to a couple of Republican politicians. According to the Open Secrets database, Juszkiewicz donated $2000 to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN07) last year, as well as $1500 to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN). Juszkiewicz also has donated $10,000 to the Consumer Electronics Association, a PAC that contributed $92.5k to Republican candidates last year, as opposed to $72k to Democrats. (The CEA did, however, contribute more to Democrats in the 2008 election cycle.)

One of Gibson’s leading competitors is C.F. Martin & Company. The C.E.O., Chris Martin IV, is a long-time Democratic supporter, with $35,400 in contributions to Democratic candidates and the DNC over the past couple of election cycles. According to C.F. Martin’s catalog, several of their guitars contain “East Indian Rosewood.” In case you were wondering, that is the exact same wood in at least ten of Gibson’s guitars.

imagine what would happen if Bush had treated Martin the way Obama treats Gibson? The cries for impeachment would be deafening.

 Oh the kicker?  Martin guitars are made in Mexico.

h/t to John Hinderacker who adds an “amusing” CODA to the story:

Oh, one more thing: if Gibson has violated the Lacey Act, so, perhaps, has Michelle Obama, who gave French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy a Gibson Hummingbird acoustic guitar with a rosewood fret.

Hot Air has more on this bit of hypocrisy:

Does someone think she’s above the law? Looks like it. But, then, this isn’t the first evidence we have that Michelle thinks she’s the queen.

To which Glenn Reynold reminds us that “Laws are for little people.”

This, my friends is thuggery.  It’s the behavior we have come to associate with Third-World dictators.  And Chicago machine politicians. 

this begs the question: How would Obama behave if (when?) he loses the 2012 election?  Will he be gracious in defeat? (Stop snickering!)  Will be have a juvenile hissy fit and turn his minions lose to do adolescent retaliatory pranks (like removing the “W”s from computer keyboards in the White House?  Or will he just ignore the results and the Constitution, like he has all through his reign, and just refuse to relinquish office?  Would the thoroughly politicized Department of Justice actually enforce the law, or would they back their patron. 

You’re not worried about that?  You damn well should be.

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Obama’s the Target of Mexico Gunrunning Probe

Rahm Emanuel, when he was Obama’s chief of staff, famously said that no crisis should ever go to waste if it could advance the agenda.  Did Obama go Rahm one better, advancing the gun-control agenda by manufacturing a crisis caused by gunrunning into Mexico, where one of the gunrunners was the U.S. government?

Members of the Mexican Congress think the answer is yes and have opened their own investigation.  From the Mexican standpoint, Operation Fast and Furious was an act of war on Mexico.

For Americans of a certain age, the next question is, “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”

Always,  always remember that Obama is first and foremost an Alinskyite socialist.  Truth means nothing to him.  Everything that advances the goal of socialism is good.  Honor is for suckers. 

I hope Mexico does decide Obama committed an act of war against them.  Because he did.  Illegally.  Just like he is acting illegally in Libya. 

Obama is incompetent, thin-skinned, arrogant and narcissistic.  He hates the work of the Presidency, though he loves the trappings.  He whines incessantly when he does not get what he wants.  He thinks the American people are stupid, easily fooled rubes who can be duped into doing whatever He wants them to do. (I am not so sure that the last half of the previous sentence isn’t right… When the Lamestream Media refuses to report anything that makes DUDE look less than perfect…)

We should have never elected this empty-suit.  Having elected him, we should have impeached him when he pulled that crap with ObamaCare.  We should impeach him still and then lock him up n Leavenworth for good measure.  Will never happen, alas.

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Mega-Scandal: Was ‘Gunwalker’ a PR Op for Gun Control?

If you haven’t been following this, here is an introduction from Bob Owens at Pajamas Media :

Fast and Furious, also known by the more accurate “Gunwalker,” allowed known straw purchasers to buy large quantities of firearms — often a dozen or more semi-automatic rifles — at a time with the full knowledge of ATF agents and executives. The guns were then smuggled into Mexico, as frustrated front-line ATF agents watched, under strict orders to do nothing.

ATF agents testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee could not explain how the operation was supposed to succeed when their surveillance efforts stopped at the border and interdiction was never an option.

ATF Agent John Dodson, testifying in front of the committee, said that in his entire law enforcement career, he had “never been involved in or even heard of an operation in which law enforcement officers let guns walk.” He continued: “I cannot begin to think of how the risk of letting guns fall into the hands of known criminals could possibly advance any legitimate law enforcement interest.”

The obvious answer is that Gunwalker’s objective was never intended to be a “legitimate law enforcement interest.” Instead, it appears that ATF Acting Director Ken Melson and Department of Justice senior executives specifically created an operation that was designed from the outset to arm Mexican narco-terrorists and increase violence substantially along both sides of the Southwest border.

Read that again.  Do you see what we have?  We have the top law enforcement officials in the nation involved in a criminal conspiracy to undermine support for Second Amendment rights.

We know that Gunwalker was never designed to interdict the weapons the ATF and DOJ pushed objecting gun sellers to provide. We know that management reacted to the spiraling violence that Gunwalker caused not with concern, but with enthusiasm.

The Department of Justice claims that their inspector general will investigate Gunwalker, but it appears obvious to the very agents that brought this scandal into the open that they have a clear conflict of interest. There are already calls for a special prosecutor to investigate Gunwalker.

Considering the arming of narco-terrorist gangs, the destabilizing geopolitical effect on Mexico, the foreign policy ramifications, and the possibility of extrajudicial and criminal activity at the highest levels of the executive branch, a special prosecutor should be just one avenue of investigation. This could possibly lead to prison for senior administration officials and an indictment against President Barack Obama himself.

I have been saying for months that Obama’s behavior in office is criminal and impeachable.  Here is one more case in point.  Obama is a far – left extremists, determined to remake this country into a third-world socialist hell-hole.  He can’t do that if the proles are armed.  He can’t take on the Second Amendment without first doing something to weaken support among the uninformed middle.  So he (or his minions) cook up a scheme to escalate violence using supposedly “legally purchased” guns.

Of course, straw-man purchases are illegal under existing federal law.  Gun-smuggling is illegal in both  Mexico and the US.  Aiding and abetting the commission of a violation of US law is, itself, a felony.  Why is this criminal operation still in the White House?  Why are they not in Leavenworth, or at the very least, impeach and convicted?

Well, we know the answer to that, don’t we.

See also The Definitive Scandal: ‘Gunwalker’ Much Worse Than ‘Iran-Contra’ and A ‘Fast and Furious’ border fiasco.

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From Hot Air:

 Obama Energy Department is loaning a foreign car company $3.5 billion so that it can pay the Treasury Department $7.6 billion even though American taxpayers spent $13 billion to save an American car company that is currently only worth $5 billion.

Oh, and Obama plans to make this “success” a centerpiece of his 2012 campaign.

Just to make your day a little brighter. 

Why haven’t we impeached this assh*** yet?  Oh , that’s right.  He’s a liberal.  And if we actually did run himn out of office we would have… President Biden.

Actually, Biden is so moronic that he can’t even rise to the level of incomptence, so that would be a net plus, right?

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So asks an editorial at the Washington Times. 

Liberal hypocrisy has been on display ever since “DUDE”(tm) has been crashed the White House.  But sometimes it reaches stomach-churning levels.  In this latest of a long string of examples, Obush is getting a free pass from his socialist chums for doing exactly the same thing that had the libtards screaming, “Impeach Bush” three years ago. 

A couple of notes.  First, this is one of the precious few things Obumbler has done right.  I bow to no one at all in my desire to see the man impeached, tried and stripped of the Office he has worked so hard to diminish.  But not over this issue.  There are far too many more.  But it is remarkable, even mind-bobbling, how silent the libs are now compared to when Obush follows W’s policies.

The second thing that is really eating at me this morning is how blatantly the socialist promote causes that are directly targeting American exceptionalism.  Case in point is Pete Stark’s upcoming hearing on Muslim mischief.  The left would be fine with an investigation into whether the 80 year-old grannies who attend Tea Party rallies are potential terrorists, but think it is a crime to investigate actual terrorists.  Delusional accusations about how some asshole who screams allahu akbar while blowing away people around him is really a Tea Party member is treated as “breaking news.”  Real, actionable threats to Pete Stark, not so much

If Lewis Carroll had been alive today, he would have never bothered writing his famous book.  The reality we are living is far weirder than Alice’s rabbit hole.

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Brewer to Countersue Federal Government Over Immigration Enforcement

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced Thursday that her state will file a countersuit against the federal government, claiming Washington has failed to enforce immigration law along the southern border. 

The governor said the federal government hasn’t secured the state’s border with Mexico and has stuck Arizona with the costs tied to illegal immigration. 

“Because the federal government has failed to protect the citizens of Arizona, I am left with no other choice,” Brewer said. 

Jennifer Cubachi says, “Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has had enough of the ineptitude of the federal government when it comes to the immigration laws.”  Yeah, that’s a good way to describe it.

Of course, I would prefer impeachment for “high crimes and misdemeanors” myself, but I will take what I can get in terms of clipping Obumbler’s wings.

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IBD has a nice one paragraph summary of what  passes for “justice” in the age of Obama.

Our misnamed Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against an Arizona sheriff at the top of the administration’s enemies list. Prosecute border sheriffs and sue states but protect the Black Panthers? Gotcha.

The Chicago way is to protect your friends and destroy your enemies.  In “Dear Leader’s” case, the difference is stark. 

While Arpaio is being persecuted, er, prosecuted by the Justice Department, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu notes that when 3,000 National Guard troops were requested by Arizona law enforcement and both U.S. senators, the Obama administration sent a paltry 30. Incredible.

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Land Management has felt it necessary to place 15 signs along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 that links Phoenix, San Diego and Tucson warning travelers that they “may encounter armed criminals and smuggling vehicles traveling at high speed.” The signs are 70 to 80 miles north of the border in what may now be called “occupied Arizona.” This is unbelievable.

Occupied Arizona, indeed.  Norah Peterson notes:

By refusing to offer reasonable assistance to law enforcement and by suing those who simply try to protect the border, the administration is, in effect, placing murderous drug cartels,  human traffickers, and infiltrating Islamic terrorists above the safety of American citizens. Truly incredible.

Yeah.  Incredible.  And treasonous.  I do believe Obama’s behavior is grounds for removal from office.  

“The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Of course, we keep electing self-important, corruptocrats to Congress, so we will never see impeachment of Obama, let alone conviction. 

Can we talk about succession again…

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I read this yesterday but didn’t have time to post anything about it.  Peter Kirsanow was commenting on the Corner about just how anti-American Obama really is.  The masses are just waking up to this, but those of us who have been on the right have known this since the beginning.  Obama have no love for anything this country stands for.  Here’s a taste:

As Dorothy Rabinowitz has noted, Obama’s alienation from the citizenry is just beginning to be more broadly revealed, but has been on display since the 2008 campaign.The media either failed to report it or chastised anyone who dared notice. When some remarked about Obama’s refusal to do something as simple as wear a flag lapel pin, they were pronounced unsophisticated and jingoistic. Obama’s casual stance during the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner” was declared a triviality. When Reverend Wright was caught shouting ” G–damn America!” those who wondered whether Obama’s 20 years in Wright’s pews might suggest ideological concurrence were dismissed as alarmist. When some expressed concern that Obama might agree with his wife that America is a “downright mean country” and that perhaps he, too,  for the first time in his adult life, was proud of his country, they were told to grow up.

Then Obama’s association with Bill Ayers emerged and the mainstream media closed ranks and refused, as long as they could, to even report it. And when Obama expressed unalloyed contempt for Midwesterners who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment,” a phalanx formed to assure the public of his pure intentions.

This is a portrait of someone who is dangerous as a professor in our universities.  As a public official, he is at best disastrous, at worse criminal.  After all, every public official takes an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.  Even Obama took this oath when he was a state senator, all two weeks before he began running for the next big thing. 

When someone like this become President, however, and starts putting anti-Americanism into practice it becomes treason.  At the very least this is impeachable. 

As  H.L. Mencken, “People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard.”  We are paying the price for our intoxication on the Hope and Change Kool aid.  We are waking to find that, not only are we hung over, but our house has been ransacked and our bank account has been looted by the siren what we picked up on that November day in 2008. 

I’m 55 years old.  I do not expect to ever see recovery from this.  I hope my daughter does.  I have worked most every day since I was 16 years old.  Some times two and even three jobs at a time to make ends meet.  I had put a little money away and built up some dreams of retiring to a simple but comfortable life.  Those dreams are gone.  Now my prayer is not that I can retire, but simply that I will expire quickly when my time has come so that there will not be long between my last day of work and my first day in the grave.  I will not be able to afford anything else.

Our generation has been broken.  Will our children also be? 

Now we see that Obama wants not only the destroy the American way of life, but he is also doing everything he can to hasten the day we live under Sharia law.  When more people believe that he was not born in America than support his damned mosque where Islamists killed 3,000 of our country man,  that should be a warning.  But “the Won” doesn’t care about you and me, dear reader.  We are disposable peons that are supposed to shut up and take it up the ass.  When we get too expensive we are supposed to die. 

I don;t know about you, but right now my ass hurts.

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